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Passion for contributing to the manufacturer of a sustainable society

HIRAMIYA wants to become the sustainable manufacture.


Reducing waste manufacturing

Manufacturing using 3D technology can reduce waste and excessive materials.  This is because there is no need to fine-tune at the site.  In addition to that, HIRAMIYA is trying to recycle scrap materials through new work.

Sharing technology to the world

Many foreign trainees work at HIRAMIYA.We wish to teach and train them on manufacturing. We wish to pass down the know-how of manufacturing and spread global technological innovation to our foreign trainees.


Manufacturing serves society

We are making trial fixtures which are used in welfare facilities for the trial welfare project of Ministry of Health, Labor, and Welfare and Kawasaki city.  We strive to create barrier-free and easy to use products.

Revise the food chain

We joined the Soybean project, which aims to increase the self-sufficiency of soybeans in Japan.  We succeeded to produce the soybean sorting machine by cooperating with local manufacturer.  We hope the machine will help to reduce the work of small farmers who grow soybeans.


A working environment without discrimination

We think that the individual personalities of workers are very important regardless of gender, minority or handicap.  We are trying to create a working environment without discrimination.  We believe that this will help to create a vibrant company.

Communication with the locals

We aim at corroborating with the local community by attending the events for local neighborhood.This will show the interests of manufacturing to the next generation through the open-factory tour.


Foster the next generations

We joined the new employee training program called ‘Human Resource Development Project’ of TANSEISHA company.  HIRAMIYA is taking part of making products as a partner company.

HIRAMIYA co.,ltd

TEL: 044-811-5760


3-4-1 Kuji, Takatsu-ku, Kawasaki-shi, Kanagawa

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